Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

03-02 Technology Addiction

03-02 Technology Addiction

Q Do you think that technology addiction is real and prevalent in today’s society? Do you find yourself or your friends on your cell phone, iPad or computer, checking messages and playing games at all hours of the day? Do you think this problem is as serious as the use and addition of psychoactive drugs?

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What a relevant topic to write upon! I completely agree technology addiction is real and prevalent in today’s society and interestingly people from every group is affected by it. Technology is important and there is no doubt in that. But we have literally become slaves to the technology and the scary part is that due to our extreme dependency on technology we are slowly using less of our brain and that is making us dumb. I will use a simple example here. How many of us remember how many phone numbers by heart nowadays? Very few, one or two.